The second summer of the sisterhood / ; By Brashares, Ann.

ISBN:0385729340 (tr
Publisher:New York : Delacorte,
Physical Details: 373 p. ; 22 cm.
Record No.:49770
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F BRA Stonepark Intermediate School 2020-03-12 STPK18340
02. English Fiction F BRA Queen Charlotte Intermediate School 2022-11-09 QCHS20542
02. English Fiction Kinkora Regional High School 2011-02-03
02. English Fiction F BRA Spring Park Elementary School 2021-06-30 SPES21140
02. English Fiction F BRA Ellerslie Elementary School 2014-04-02 ELLE50338
02. English Fiction F BRA Belfast Consolidated School 2010-06-09 BCSX8013
02. English Fiction F BRA Belfast Consolidated School 2010-06-09 BCSX6082
02. English Fiction Miscouche Consolidated School 2010-04-19
02. English Fiction F BRA East Wiltshire Intermediate School 2021-06-29 EWSX11622
02. English Fiction F BRA Stonepark Intermediate School 2019-05-24 STPK10556
02. English Fiction F BRA Montague Intermediate School 2014-10-03 MISX7626
02. English Fiction F BRA Westisle Composite High School 2009-09-09 WCHS24539
02. English Fiction F BRA Montague Regional High School 2015-10-21 MONT12395
02. English Fiction F BRA Morell Regional High School 2015-05-20 MRHS5159
02. English Fiction F BRA Kinkora Regional High School 2015-06-18 KRHS6298
02. English Fiction F BRA Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX21923
02. English Fiction F BRA Morell Consolidated School 2015-04-27 MORC7800
02. English Fiction F BRA Morell Consolidated School 2013-04-15 MORC9766