Artemis Fowl : ; By Colfer, Eoin.

Format:After Artemis uses stolen fairy technology to create a powerful microcomputer and it is snatched by a dangerous American businessman, Artemis, Juliet, Mulch, and the fairies join forces to try to retrieve it.
ISBN:0786856289 (pb
Publisher:New York : Miramax Books/Hyperion Paperbacks for Children,
Physical Details: 446 p. ; 18 cm.
Notes:Sequel to: Artemis Fowl, the Arctic incident.
Record No.:45984
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F COL Queen Charlotte Intermediate School 2023-05-09 QCHS101003
02. English Fiction F COL Montague Regional High School 2014-02-25 MONT12914