The golden compass / ; By Pullman, Philip,

Format:Accompanied by her daemon, Lyra Belacqua sets out to prevent her best friend and other kidnapped children from becoming the subject of gruesome experiments in the Far North.
LCCN:95033397 /AC/r982
Publisher:New York : Yearling,
Physical Details: 399 p. ; 20 cm.
Notes:Originally published as: Northern lights.
Record No.:331565
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F PUL Birchwood Intermediate School 2019-01-30 BISX16309
02. English Fiction Morell Consolidated School 2018-06-04
02. English Fiction F PUL Birchwood Intermediate School 2017-12-12 BISX15624
02. English Fiction F PUL Bluefield High School 2021-05-03 BLUE27936
02. English Fiction F PUL Montague Intermediate School 2016-04-12 MISX9794
02. English Fiction F PUL Montague Regional High School 2014-09-11 MONT18391
02. English Fiction F PUL Montague Regional High School 2023-04-12 MONT18235
02. English Fiction F PUL Souris Regional School 2015-11-09 SRHS18149
02. English Fiction F PUL Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2018-05-17 mscs10618